Time to get up, drink my diet coke, get Makenzie a sippy of milk, dress the family in outfits that work for both the chilly Oregon morning and the hot Mexican afternoon. We get to the airport and stand in line to check in. Makenzie is good to go. Matt's good to go. Then the woman asks me what my last name is. I tell her Probst. She tells me that my passport says Meithof. OH MY GOD! I totally forgot to update my passport with my married name! I panic. I tell her I have ID with my maiden name... and oh wait... I also have a certified copy of my marriage license in my purse! (WHO DOES THAT?) She tells me she will let me proceed further to the waiting area but that she was going to have to talk to her manager to find out what to do... after all there would be 2 more airports on the way that I will have to check in at and 2 including the grueling customs in LA on the way home. We hoped all would be fine. Then over the loud speakers of the airport "KIM PROBST REPORT TO THE COUNTER". oh no. They tell me that they are working on the problem, but that we cannot board the plane until it's fixed... all the while they are boarding everyone. The terminal is now empty with the exception of the three of us. Matt and I agree that if we cannot go to Mexico then we will still go to LA and go to Disney. Good a plan is in place. Again they call me to the counter - this time there was no need to announce my name over the intercom - nobody but us to hear it. They tell me that in order to get past customs my tickets must match my passport. They change all my tickets to Meithof - not Probst. Now, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being a Meithof (I was one once you know) but now I'm a PROBST! I agree to let them go ahead with the change but I felt so disconnected from my own little family. They instruct me to only show my passport as ID at all check ins. We board the plane.

Makenzie did fabulous and slept most of the flight! Makenzie was dressed in her jammies until we got closer to LA - and then I changed her into one of the many cute outfits I packed (thank you Sarah!!). I was a nervous wreck when it came time to re-board the next plane. After all LA is wayyyy more strict then lil' ol Medford Oregon. What if they find out I am lying about my last name? liar. Luckily we had no problems, and we board the plane with my brother Greg and his family. When we arrived in Mazatlan (after another awesome flight with Makenzie!) we are checking in to the country - yes you have to check in to Mexico! I'm nervous... here we go again.... Once again I have to show my passport... my Meithof passport. My brother being the shit that he is blurts out "hey Kim Pro... I mean Meithof... how's it going" as I am standing there trying to act all nonchalant. damn you Greg. Good thing the man behind the counter (I am sure he was hiding an uzi back there) did not understand what was happening and let us enter his country.

On the way to the resort we stopped at a few places looking for cases of Pacifico (a family tradition) - it was sooooo weird to sit in the van next to my daughter - sans a car seat. Once we got to our resort (which is gorgeous - we had the top floor over looking the ocean - our room was dripping in gorgeous marble and lush furnishings - 2 decks and a blessed king size bed. We unpacked and went to dinner at the resort's restaurant. Once we were full on our $58 dollar (not peso) meal we got in our suits and went swimming. Kenzie loved swimming and was able to walk in and out of the kiddie pool all by herself! We were all so exhausted from the traveling, delicious food, and soak in the pools that we all were asleep by 8pm!!!
OMG, so I am not the only freak who carries around a certified copy of the marriage license? Yay! That reminds me.... I still need to change my name on my passport too! Glad you are back safely and had fun!
ReplyDeleteOMG I would have been so freaked! I am glad it all worked out Mrs. Pro....I mean Mei...I mean Probst. Seriously though I would have been super upset to have to change my name back now that I am a Downey, hey wait a minute...OMG I haven't updated my passport! OMG what do you have to do to get a new one???