Day 4

Makenzie woke us up at about 6am - which isn't surprising since Mazatlan is one hour ahead of home. We got up and dressed for the day and decided to go to breakfast at the resort - but the restaurant wasn't open yet so we decided to walk along the beach. While walking I noticed a bunch of birds in the water... what were they doing? Oh my goodness they were playing with dolphins! two of them!!! They were only about 50 yards from the shore line and they were heading in the same direction we were! It was such a treat! We walked quite a bit of the way down the beach picking up sea shells. Makenzie HATES the sand so we had to carry her the whole way there and back... an extra 20 lbs in our arms walking in the soft sand. it's no wonder our calves burned for days after! by the time we made it back to the resort the restaurant was open and I was so excited to have Huevos Rancheros - the best breakfast ever - while sitting in outside looking for our slick grey friends in the water.

Mom, Dad, Jodee and I all went to the grocery store after we had finished breakfast... It was crazy! Things that are staples to us were extremely hard to find... like peanut butter - which only came in about 6 oz!! We ended up getting 2 shopping carts full... partly because we needed to buy more Pacifico! Our total bill came to about $3,000!!! Pesos of course. which is about $300 american. We were a little worried the groceries wouldn't fit in the pulmania on the way home (Pulmanias are mexican taxis - which look like a golf cart!)
While we were gone grocery shopping Matt tried to exchange our traveler's checks... but was unable to... why you (14!) ask? Because the teller back here in good ol' Klamity Flats had me sign them on the wrong line (insert several curse words)!!! What were we going to do!?! All of the money we have saved for year was tied up in those checks!!! I called the traveler's check company and they told me that I had to go to a specific bank there in Mazatlan to get them cashed (remember this... it will come up later in another post). I also called my bank and told them what happened. I asked that when we return to the states if they would please reimburse me the phone call expense ($3 a minute!) as well as the fee associated with the bank we would have to cash them at (per the traveler's check company). They told me no. NO?! oh no you didn't!!! I will be going into my bank when we get back home with all the bills in hand... and if they don't reimburse me the expense I will switch banks. I should NOT have to pay for THEIR mistake!!

Once we were back at the resort we played in the pool a while and then it was time for Makenzie's nap... so while she slept I sat on the deck overlooking the ocean... Mom came up to join me... and we watched Matt and Jeff go parasailing! Matt shot up like a sling shot!!!

After Kenzie woke, I dressed her in yet another swimming suit and we went back down to play. I also stopped off at Aurora (a beach vendor that we have gone to the last 2 times we had been there) and she remembered me... not just... hey she looks familiar... NO! She remembered my circumstances... that the first time we went I was dating someone (jackass) and not dating him the second time. She remembered details! that woman is amazing... and has some pretty awesome jewelry. I was defiantly eying some pieces that would be a nice addition to my collection. But because of the traveler's check fiasco I was unable to commit to at that time.
That night everyone came to our room for tacos and margaritas. i love margaritas. Jacob (12) had found a conch earlier that day inthe surf and bellowed into it as the sun sat... it was magical.
AMAZING!!! Souds fabulous!!!