Day 8

Mom and Dad babysat Makenzie while Matt and I went to to the Old Market - I HAD to show him the full sized pig heads for sale!!! The market is in old town Mazatlan and it's part grocery (if you call mayonnaise in big vats swarmed by flies and pig parts groceries) it also has little booths with touristy stuff for sale. We walked thru the first time pretty quickly just to get our bearings straight and come up with a game plan. The second time we walked thru we took our time - we were looking for cigars for Matt's co-workers and little gifts for Matt's family and presents for Megan (our dog sitter).
We couldn't find the cigars so we took a palmania and went to the Golden Zone. While we were in the GZ we stopped by a tequila distillery (mmmm tequila!) Here we tasted 3 different kinds - two of which were made from mangoes - sounds delicious doesn't it - it was NOT! It was awful and tasted like gasoline!!! YUCK!!

When we came back to the resort we again laid out by the pool and caught some rays (my tan and all) That night I made fajitas and enchiladas and daddy made delicious Kahlua and milk!!! mmmm!!!! Then we played "screw your neighbor" - one of our family traditions is when someone gets out we all sing "TURN OUT THE LIGHTS THE PARTY'S OVER!" It's loud, it's obnoxious and irritating when you are the one that lost... but none the less we do it!
Little sad tomorrow is the last full day...
This photo is for the benefit of Stacy... speedos and cowboy hats. nice.
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