This post is about aging. Mine. My daughters.

Tuesday I turn... ummm... 32 ( I just did the math - because quite frankly I wasn't sure if I was turning 32 or 33 - we like to call this "mommy brain"). My life sure didn't happen exactly like I had planned, and if you know me, you know I like a plan. When I was about 12 and again at 17 I wrote out my life's goals. Funny how a 12 year old thinks having 7 children by the time you are ... 32... makes perfect sense! At 17 having a little more knowledge in life, thought 4 children at .... 32....made perfect sense! Well here I am... 32... and I have 1 child. Life sure didn't turn out like I planned, but I wouldn't have it any other way! I'm ok with the whole getting older thing - I am no longer that naive 12 or 17 year old. I've loved. I've lost. I've learned.

I'm not the only one getting older. Makenzie turns TEN MONTHS! (ten months, people!) tomorrow. Hard to believe how quickly the months have come and gone. She is growing. She is learning. Yesterday she started walking. yes I just said walking! It is so much fun to see our teeny tiny becoming a little girl ... but I still want her to be a baby! Sometimes at night when she wakes up I just hold her. I take a mental picture of how little she is. because before I know it she will be 12 or 17.
Isn't crazy how life doesn't turn out the way you planned! But always perfect ♥ Happy Early Birthay to you & she is beautiful as always!