Sunday, January 9, 2011
The crab that walks too far falls into the pot ~ Haitian Proverb quote
I am sorry reader (12) that it's been a week since I have written - we've been sick! yuck! Makenzie had her first cold and fever, first reaction to a food, and first glimpse at the terrible twos at one years old. And my battery to my car died in the babysitter's driveway. What a horrible start to the new year! I can only hope that all our bad luck is now out of the way and only good things are to come for 2011.
So the reaction to a food... Thursday I made crab cakes for dinner for myself and rice and turkey for Makenzie. I decided to let Makenzie try the crab cakes... what could it hurt? Crab is my all time favorite food. Ever. and was super excited to see if Makenzie liked it as well as I do. In goes the crab. Not even 2 minutes later my little one was covered in red splotchy spots all over her face. I freaked out! I called Matt and left a message with a coworker (reminder: Matt works night shift) and then called my mom (who is an RN). Mom told me to call the Dr., so I did - I left a message and while waiting for the return call from him, washed Makenzie's face and hands with soapy warm water. Matt came home and did the once over on our baby girl. I was still panicked at this time. Makenzie never showed any signs of swelling or difficulty breathing but I was scared that if the crab could make her skin react what could it be doing to her insides. The spots started to go away. Dr. Hempel called back and said in the 10 years of being a physician he has never seen an anaphalactic response to a food - so that eased my mind - and only wished I knew that before I freaked out! and the crab was terrible by the way.

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I am soooo glad she is ok!!