Today's post is brought to you by the letters W T and F. No, mom I will not explain what those letters are.

I'm sure my readers (12) haven't been under a rock and have learned that the astrological signs we all know and love have changed. Well the signs haven't really changed, they (who the hell are THEY anyways - what gives them the right - stupid PHD!) added a new sign, but you my friend (12) probably will have to change. what do I mean? well if you, like me, were a Libra, are now a Virgo - which means YOU have to change.
I was once a smart lover of peace, love, balance and harmony. Now according to THEM, I am a perfectionist, an introvert, naive, and think I am better then everyone else. (OK well some of the new qualities might be true... kidding friends, kidding!)

On the bright side of this major disaster, I laughed so hard I about peed myself at work on Friday when I was telling Stacy ( about the changes (she was under that rock I was telling you about earlier). Stacy (Kenzie too) went from a Sagittarius to an Ophiuchus. WTF is a Ophiuchus? well in the words of Stacy - "a man with a serpent between his legs". LMAO right? The worst part for Stacy: she has a tattoo of a Sagittarius symbol proudly displayed on her wrist. Hope she finds a damn good tattoo artist that can morph her cute little symbol into a Greek God with his phallic snake proudly displayed. I'm thinking it could be a sleeve tat.
To lessen the blow of this major change in our horoscope reading world THEY decided that these changes will only effect persons born in 2010 and beyond. Ok really? so the 2010ers and younger are just *poof* different? my husband says its a bunch of BS... but of course he would say that... he was and still is a Leo!

It's a good thing I don't have to change my sign because some scientist with nothing better to do then screw up the universe said so. And if they told me I had to (you know if they pointed a gun at my temple) then I'd tell them I'll compromise and become a Librgo because that's what us Libras do... we compromise.
ReplyDeleteRead this too both are good articles.
Sorry I am not doing it!! I am a Pisces dang it!! But can I tell you I almost pee'd my pants laughing at this! LOVE YOUR BLOG sista friend and love you too!