You know the saying "fair weather friend"? well I'm kinda like that only the complete opposite. I am a "bad weather friend"! I am soo sorry it's been so long since I've written... the only excuse I have is that the wonderful weather keeps us very very busy!

I don't even know where to start to get you all up to speed... Do I start from my last blog and move forward or start from this week and move backwards? I guess I will go with the latter...
Last weekend was Independence Day weekend! I love a good 4th of July... especially when it allows us a three day weekend! YAY!!!

My best friend, Reanna, and her husband, Kevin, came down for the weekend! I miss them sooo much and I know Matt misses his broseph too!!! And then there is Kenzie and how much she misses and adores her God Parents!
Rea and Kevin got here around 11:30 Saturday night, which enabled us to get some yard work done before they got here... I was pretty exhausted by the time they came, but as soon as I was able to give my bestie a great big hug I was rejuvenated and got my second wind. We sat around our fire pit (which I had just finished re-vamping!) until around 2 am when Mr. Sandman came back for seconds!!!

Sunday morning we went out to breakfast and then while the boys went to get fireworks Reanna, Makenzie and I decided to try out our new "Octagonal Family Pool" (this became a joke thru out the weekend when Reanna would call our blow up pool a "baby pool"!) Makenzie had just wrapped up two weeks of swim lessons with her daddy so she of course was an old pro! It got up to around 90 degrees all weekend so the "octagonal Family Pool" was a nice treat to cool off!!! Sunday night we let off some of the newly acquired fireworks and again sat around the fire pit until Sunday turned to Monday!

Monday was the holiday and we pretty much leisured around and swam most of the day until it was time to go to the parade downtown! Before the parade kicked off people were handing out little plastic American flags and soon Makenzie was the proud owner of three of them! - Mommy and Reanna couldn't say no to our proud lil' American!
After the parade we went to Auntie Wendy's house for a BBQ and fireworks! The spread was pretty fantastic and the fireworks even more so!

By the time we got home and finally in bed it was one in the morning and we all had to get up very early! Reanna and Kevin had to drive back home (2.5 hours) and I had to be at work at 8:00. Next year I think I'll take the 5th of July off too!!!
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