Last weekend we headed north to go to one of my dear friend's welcoming BBQ for her new baby girl, Kaylee. It just so happens that my brother and his wife and their children were also going to be in the area at the same time. So we all met up at my parents house for lunch before he and his family had to be at other places and we needed to get to the meet and greet. It sure is nice to see Makenzie interact with her cousins and its always fun to see how big they are getting! We hadn't seen Jeff, Jodee, Carter and Sydnee since we went to Mexico last spring! It had been way too long, but that's the price you pay when you live about 6 hours from each other.

Off to the BBQ we went, it was such a treat to get to see three of my best girls, Julie, Jenny and Jen! I am never surprised and always delighted when I get to spend time with my besties, and always think that even tho it had been a very long time since I had seen Julie and Jenny it as if no time had lapsed... Do you have friends like that reader? Friends who are so near and dear to your heart and even tho seasons and distance keep you apart you are able to pick up right where you had left off the last time? Julie and Jenny both have 2 little girls, and I often wonder that over the years if our girls will become as close as their mommies?
Here is the gift I made for baby Kaylee... the "cupcakes" are rolled wash clothes, which were rolled around onesies, which were rolled around Pampers which were then rolled in ribbon - and topped of by hair bows. |
I love those cupcakes, Kim! Adorable!