wow, I have been so busy at work lately! I love when it's like that! It sure makes the day go by super fast!
Last week I gave you a little teaser about what I was up to... and here's the full story!
Stacy (have you visited her blog yet?) from work and I were part of a big secret! We were part of a team of people that put on a presentation to 1100 local high school kids about drinking and driving as well as texting and driving, called Operation Prom Night. It was a reenactment of an accident involving a car full of high school students on their prom night versus a car with a local high school teacher and his 12 year old nephew.
What was my roll you ask - I was the "Official Tarp Puller Offer" and "Official Headstone Putter Upper". It's ok to tell me you're impressed. I made the news.
(see this video footage:
If you are at all squeamish please quickly scroll down:
And I again want to remind you this is a REENACTMENT!
The driver of the above car, a teenager, had been drinking. He was not hurt in the accident - but spent 25 years in jail for his roll in the deaths of 3 people and for making his buddy a paraplegic.
I love those guys. It is a huge honor to work with firefighters.
The driver, a high school teacher, of the car on the right was killed (he had been texting)
We can only hope that this event impacted the students enough that they make wise decisions. It was said that if we saved ONE life by putting on this reenactment, we did our job, and did it well.
Another biggie in the world of working for the fire district as an Admin Assistant is being able to go to the scene of a fire. I've been to a couple Burn to Learns but never an actual real life and devastating fire. My job was to take food to the crews... I shall call this new title "Official Food Taker Outter" and I also played the roll of photographer - sounds too uppity so I shall call this "Official Taker of Pictures". The fire was horrible... a total loss. I feel for the family.
Last weekend was BEAUTIFUL!!! We spent most of the time outside working in the flower gardens... and from these photos you know that Kenzie enjoyed her time in the sun too!
Always make time to give your daddy a hug.