*knock *knock
Hi! I'm Kim... Wife of Matt (will be 3 years in 12 days - lucky fella!) and mommy to Makenzie and Sunny (she's our shih tsu - and my dog-ter... say it quick folks...sounds like daughter doesn't it?) .... fasten your seatbelts people and enjoy the ride that is our life.
I can hardly believe our baby girl is 9 1/2 months old! Since I was such a slacker or just incredibly busy trying to run a house, work full time, and be a first time mom, I never made the effort to post on here... but you better believe I posted on Facebook... heck that takes about 4 seconds! I have four seconds. maybe 5.
So I'll give you the snapshot view of who we are, and how we came to be. so once I fill you in, I can move on to topics that are currently happening... consider this the prologue.
Matt and I met in July 200... um... hold on... 6 - sorry had to count backwards... I was living in Bend Oregon ... thats a whole 'nother story that really doesnt matter - except that I met my bestie during that time. Soo.... I came to Klamath for a bachlorette party (mind you I had lived here once before... again it seems like that was someone else's life... I think it might have been, now that I think about it.) Friday night was girls night and all of us went out partyin' while the boys watched the kiddos. Saturday night was the bachelor party while us girls watched the kids... turn about is fair play right? beside we needed to recover!

The next morning he's still super sweet and flirting.... holy crap dude, are you still drunk!? I flirt back for a while, but then have to leave to drive back 2.5 hours home. someone gives drunk-boy my phone number and thru out the next week we are flirting via text and email constantly! Did I mention he was the minister for the upcoming wedding? Ordained on the internet... think Joey from Friends! so he uses the excuse that he needs help with writing the vows... I being in the wedding and caring very much for the bride and groom (notice: this is the truth: If I had a pee-pee I would have been thinking with it! - the guy is hot and funny!) agree and we are constantly in contact... oh I think I'm smitten! meow!
so the wedding happens... I walk down the aisle towards the man... and then take my place in line with all the other brides maids... damn I want to be a bride someday. that night he and I go for a walk to this field behind where the wedding happens and we share a bottle of Robert Mendovi... I think I was impressed until I went to Alberson's and saw that it was like 7.99! we also share a kiss... or two. Mind you the reception is happening and people can see we walk to the field... there is quite a bit of whopping and holloring... after all this is klamath falls... people do holla' here! we decide that night that we don't want to see anyone else... ever again.

that new years eve matt proposed in that same field where we share that 7.99 bottle of Robert Mondovi. we were married 9 months later.
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