Sorry it's been a while since I've written - life has been busy!!! So what have we been up to you ask? Let's see... where did we leave off last... oh yes... our last day of Mexico! When we got home we immediately made an appointment with Dr. Hempel - alas a English speaking, glove wearing, working in a sterilized office Doctor! Turns out that the Dr. in Mexico was right. Matt's system does not handle some sort of bacteria in the food in Mexico. Four years ago on our honeymoon Matt had similar stomach problems - we just thought he got the flu - but looks like it was the first glimpse into a sensitive system. Matt will have to take antibiotics prior to and while on vacation in foreign countries from here on out. We are just so thankful that it's as simple as that!!!
We remodeled our master walk in closet... pulled out the carpet, painted the walls, painted the shelfs, stained the rods, and installed pergo... it looks awesome, if I do say so myself. *pats self on back*
Oh and then there was the blog remodel... what do you think?
I love the new family characterization! It is so cute! -Jen