Ok, so this is the second time I am writing my blog review,
as I just deleted the one I had already written without pushing submit. This makes
me less then thrilled… but do you know what does make me happy?! www.influenster.com makes me a very happy
momma, especially when they send me a Vox Box with THREE free products! Love.
Free. Stuff!
This time I was
chosen to product test for Suave… they most know that I have model beautiful
hair. Really I do have pretty hair. Except for the white sprouts near my
forehead. Those little bastards have got to go! The really cool thing about
this Vox Box was that I got to share with Matt and Kenzie! So I was a little nervous to try Suave
products because my sister in law who is a hair dresser to the stars (and when
I say starts, I mean me) told me that in beauty school they used Suave to strip
the wax off the floor! Ew! But I’m willing to try anything, and if it was disastrous,
I’d just go beg for forgiveness from her.

Matt got this sexy body wash that makes me think this is how Taylor Kinney from Chicago Fire smells 24/7… don’t tell my husband. They are my fantasies, they are private, except for with you, stalker.
Which reminds me of this funny comic my buddy , Stacy over at http://scottandstacysadventures.blogspot.com/ sent me…. See below. Anyways, got sidetracked thinking of “Kelly Severide”.
Kenzie got a detangle spray which totally brought me back to the 80’s when my mom would use “no more tears” or something like that spray on my hair so I wouldn’t cry when she brushed my locks. Kenzie’s hair isn’t quite to my thickness yet, but the spray does lessen the “ow”s I hear every morning! They say you can use the spray on dry hair, but I haven’t tried yet… I am concerned because product usually makes my hair look greasy, and I worry about this for her too.
You know how I just
told you product can make my hair look greasy?! Well not the product I got to
try! I got this Moroccan hair mask that totally reminds me of the old school
Aussie 3 minute miracle that I totally loved and can’t find anymore… fear not,
Suave has come to my long awaited rescue and brought me a 5 minute miracle but…
it smells 646846846% better! One of my
favorite smells comes from Bath and Body works: Sensual Amber, and the Moroccan
leave in conditioner smells just like that! it’s a little piece of 5 minutes of
heaven. My hair is super soft after I use it, and I don’t have to worry about
product build up, because I only use it 1-2 times a week per the instructions!
So overall, I am very pleased, and I have even more
beautiful hair, I get to fantasize over Taylor, and Kenzie cries less…. Win win
"I received these products complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes."
"I received these products complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes."