Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A lot of people like snow. I find it to be an unnecessary freezing of water. ~Carl Reiner

Oh snow how I loathe you.
 I'm fine with snow if it's quietly sitting on my lawn - but not on my car, sidewalk or streets.  In short the white stuff scares me! Last weekend was Thanksgiving and we were scheduled to spend it with Matt's side of the family... but since I was unable to go home last year to spend the holiday with my side of the family (49 weeks pregnant and the Dr. said NO!) I wanted to see my mom and dad... really, I wanted to go shopping with my mom on Black Friday.  We were playing it by ear alllllll week hoping that the weather would cooperate so that as soon as dinner was done on Thursday we would drive the 2.5 hours home. Thursday's weather actually held off.... but it was the threat of what Friday or Saturday would bring, that left us in Klamath Falls. Snow 1 Kim 0.
I did end up going out Black Friday shopping, but for the first time in twenty years (yes, I went at 49 weeks pregnant last year!) I didn't go out until about 9:30 am! If you (reader 8) know me, you know this is a big deal. Black Friday is my very favorite day of the year!!! I did, however, get everything that was on my list from the two stores I went to. Never less, I missed all the excitement of standing outside a box stores doors in the wee hours of the morning.
I'm not the only one that hates snow.  We bundled up Makenzie - too look like that kid from Christmas Story - and let her have her first experience with the snow.  Snow 1 Kim 1

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Elbow grease is the best polish. ~ English Proverb

Many of you (reader 8!) know that Makenzie's first birthday is quickly approaching - I think I've mentioned it a time or two.  I love to plan big parties... weddings, employee appreciation dinners, and now first birthday parties!  I have a list of things I want to do... its long. and somehow gets longer as I find cute things on the internet (etsy.com!) and think: I can do that! Her theme for her birthday is rainbows - you know the 1980's style with the clouds at the bottom.

I have been crafting a bunch to get ready for the big day - making a tutu, bloomers, invitations, photo collage, decorations for the room, a flag banner and even the smash cake for a photo op.

I got a sewing machine for Christmas last year and decided it was time to dust the box, get out a box cutter and pull it out for the first time... I've been busy with a newborn, give me a break! Matt helped me by cutting out a template to use to make the flags for the banner. I ironed the fabric over and pinned so it would be easier to sew.  It turned out great... all 18 (EIGHTEEN!!!) feet of it! oh well... bigger is better, right?

This weekend I decided to make the smash cake as a trial run... and figured it would be a great photo op for Makenzie!  I decided I would dye the batter all 6 shades of the rainbow and carefully layer them in the pan and bake it all at once.  This took a lot of patience as the batter is pretty thick! It took 1.5 boxes of mix and I thought it would only take a smidge longer then the time recommended on the box...  an hour and a half later it was done baking... at midnight. It looks great... but didn't turn out how I envisioned. I thought the batter would stay in perfect layers... oddly enough it ended up looking like a target symbol... however the colors did stay separated! Today I frosted and decorated, we laid out plastic tablecloths, stripped Makenzie down to a pair of bloomers and let her have it... but she didn't want it. What child of mine doesn't want delicious cake (I tasted it and it was good!) she stuck her hands in the frosting - tasted it, took one look at her colored hands and started crying. so my envisions of my daughter covered in frosting and cake... foiled. it only took one baby wipe to clean her up. Sometimes plans don't turn out the way I intended. 

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Every job is a self-portrait of the person who does it autograph your work with excellence. ~Unknown

My last blog was all about thanking our vets… we’ll I’m not the only one that remembers to say thank you.  This last weekend was duty (she said doooty!) weekend – My husband is in the Air National Guard,  but he also works on base full time – our base is a training base and 99% of everyone is a civilian but they are also all guardsmen (and women) – they wear uniform everyday.  Anyhow… they have a big base wide meeting every duty (there she goes again) weekend and this time Matt was called up on stage and presented a Commander’s coin.  It’s a big deal.  Imagine in front of 5,000 of your co-workers the president of your company calls you (and 4 others) up to present you with an “award” for going up and beyond your normal… job (you thought she was going to say Doooty again, didn’t you?) That’s what it was like for Matt.
This is Matt’s second coin – his first is a coin specific to his field of training.  The first coin is safely tucked away in his wallet and is probably one of his most valued possessions.  The funny thing about having a large coin tucked in your wallet is that pretty soon your wallet caresses that coin and forms to it… and now his wallet looks like he has a condom in there… from the 90’s.  It gives me a laugh every time I see his wallet sitting on the nightstand.
I am so proud of you, Sergeant Probst… next time ask for a raise. ;)


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave. ~Elmer Davis

I think it is pretty fitting that Veteran's Day falls in the month of thanks. Today's blog is devoted to my husband, Matt.  Thank you, Sergeant Probst, for your service to our country.  It makes me so unbelievably proud for all that you have done for our great nation.   I am thankful that your position provides the men and women that tote guns, the security to know that what you fix, will provide them the protection they need. I am so proud to be your wife.

Happy Veteran's Day to all of our great men and women in the military, and THANK YOU!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Nursing does not diminish the beauty of a woman's breasts; it enhances their charm by making them look lived in and happy. ~Robert A. Heinlein

Before I know it my daughter will be having her first birthday. wahhhhh!!! I am super excited to watch her grow and learn, but I know I am going to miss all the little things about her being a baby.

I made a promise to myself and my daughter that I would nurse until she turned one... and sadly that milestone is only a month away.  I love nursing.  I love having those quiet moments where we just gaze into each others eyes.  I will miss her letting me cuddle her, because even at 11 months she no longer just lets me rock her.  She reaches up for me to hold her and then 2.2 seconds later she wants down.  I  have already started to teach my body that our  nursing of Makenzie days are numbered.  I used to pump twice at work ... and I slowly stopped that... and now Makenzie gets whole milk when mommy is away.  I personally have never given my daughter a bottle... and do not plan to - it's sippy cup time!

My very favorite time of the day is the 15 minutes that I nurse Makenzie in the morning.  The house is quiet.  Daddy and Sunny are sleeping.  So it's just me and Makenzie. Together we sit in the glider, her in her soft jammies, still smelling of the night before's bathtime. There is nothing like the feeling of soft skin on soft skin. I ignore the clock... I learned months ago that these precious minutes do not need to be timed. 

I know that I can continue to BF past the one year mark, but I also made a promise to my husband... at one year, Makenzie will start sleeping in her own room.  There will no longer be the need for us to wake up 2-3-4 times a night to comfort nurse. I will certainly miss reaching over into her crib in our room and pulling her under the covers to cuddle with me.  But after one year of this... it's Matt's turn... well at least until we get pregnant with baby #2.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

It takes a village to spoil a child

People amaze me… in a good way!
It seems as though my daughter has everyone wrapped around her little finger!  I mean really, I am the biggest victim… but I am supposed to be, I am her mommy!  About 2 weeks ago when I went to conference, (did you read that blog post, reader (8!)?) my parents gave Makenzie a first Halloween bib… and thus started the Halloween gift giving to Makenzie.

  A week ago Makenzie got a Halloween card from our adult niece, Jenn, who moved to NY to pursue her dreams.  A few days ago Makenzie got a Halloween card from her God Parents and a craft, that her daddy did with her.  Friday, my boss, Stacy brought in a Halloween bag filled plum full of Halloween goodies, our friends the Rainvilles made Kenzie a cookie, and not to mention all the candy from Auntie Wendy and our neighbors! . 

                       Thank you, everyone for spoiling my daughter on this, her first Halloween!


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

House call!

Do you (readers 8!) remember watching Little House on the Prairie where the Dr. actually came to the patient's house? Did you think this only happened when the only modes of transportation was either foot or horse drawn buggies? so did I, until tonight!

So back in July my husband and I went on a houseboat to Lake Shasta, California and did quiet a bit of swimming and playing in the water... which for me resulted in a pretty nasty ear infection - and when I say nasty, I mean loss of hearing and swollen jaw - the works!  I went to see Dr. Hempel and he gave me ear drops and antibiotics and pretty soon I was feeling back to normal. Until Yesterday. I started to feel like my ear was filling up with fluid and it was pretty sore.  Today I was at work and blew my nose and I am telling you, I saw stars!
Tonight, after hours, because of the wonder of Facebook I was able to talk to Dr. Hempel's wife, Amy (she's amazing in her own right!) and before I knew it Dr. Hempel was on his way over to my house. TO MY HOUSE! (I was unable to meet him at the office because Makenzie was already in bed and my husband was at work)

Dr. looked into my ear and told me that my ear drum had burst. lovely. He gave me a ginormous (if that word isn't in the dictionary it should be!) shot of antibiotics and a shot of some wonder pain numbing liquid in my butt. and then he was on his way. That man is amazing. seriously. amazing.

When he left I checked to see if he came over with a horse and buggy ... but was slightly disappointed to see a normal truck.